Cooperative Member Education Training,

Cooperative Member Education Training,

On the third day of the cooperative member education training, participants delved into three key topics that shone light on the workings of cooperatives.

Morning Session: How Cooperatives Raise Money

The day began with an engaging discussion on the various ways cooperatives generate funds. Participants were fascinated to learn that cooperatives can raise money through several avenues, including the buying and selling of shares, collecting fines, member contributions, and notably, the reserve fund—which must make up 25% of the cooperative’s total funds.

Afternoon Session: Member Responsibilities and Rights

The afternoon was dedicated to exploring the Responsibilities of a Cooperative Member and the Rights of Members. It was crucially highlighted that, while often mistaken as synonymous, responsibilities and rights are distinct concepts, each carrying its own importance in the cooperative structure.

Short videos of how Housing cooperative have evolved and grown in Uganda were also shown to members to encourage and motivate members.

Training continues tomorrow

Slum Dwellers International – SDI.


Know Your City TV Malawi

Cities Alliance

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